✔ Products Each product entered is judged by 5,000 consumers, who are independently sourced from m1nd-set’s unique and qualified database of international travellers.
✔ Every single one of the consumers voting will have travelled through an airport within the past six months. This stage of the judging process makes up 80% of the overall score.
✔ A panel of influencers (bloggers and vloggers) who possess a range of product and travel expertise, will also judge the products, making up the remaining 20% of the overall score.
✔ In addition to receiving information about each item, the panel is able to touch, feel and try out the product during a three-day qualitative judging session in London.
Entry criteria for Product Awards (all categories)
✔ Products either have to be already present in the travel retail environment or planned to launch imminently. Products previously entered into the awards may be re-entered.
✔ Unique attributes to the travel/travel retail sector should be highlighted, i.e. travel retail exclusives, special editions or travel friendly products.
CSR & Retail Initiatives
✔ The methodology for the airport, cruise, retailer and supplier awards was updated in 2023. These categories are now open to entries from airports, cruise and ferry companies and their respective retail and commercial partners, including suppliers.
✔ The panel of 5,000 consumers will review the submissions from the nominees and evaluate them based on each award category. The consumers will allocate a score to each of them using a 10-point scale.
✔ The results will then be collated with the influencer scores, as with the product awards. The same 80:20 ratio between consumers’ and bloggers’ scores will apply to all airport and sustainable retail initiative awards as with the product awards.